Friday 10 February 2012

More fairys.

More fairy pictures,suppose you could call them practice pieces as they were first attempts that i am quite proud to show of.

Fairy fantasy.

I want to share some of my favourites with you.   Here we have two of my fairy pics,although i am a very down to earth sort of person i like the idea of fairys and enjoy drwing them.

Monday 6 February 2012


This was a cafa i drawed  and painted, many pictures i drew very small and enlarged them because friends said they were too small.  I like to vary my style and expand my ideas as much as possible.


I am not a trained artist i started painting  only a few years ago when i bought myself  some watercolour paints and paper i surprised myself with what i could do.  Then i began painting pixels with the microsoft paint program and found it was fun, here is another one of my pictures.